Image of Jamie Somers

Jamie Somers

Hi! I'm Jamie, a PhD student and scientist in Dublin, Ireland. This website tells you a little bit about my work, hobbies and volunteering experience!

Apple Memoji of Jamie in front of a macbook

Trinity College Dublin

PhD Student

2023 - Present

I am a physics PhD student at Trinity College Dublin studying nanophotonics. My PhD title is "Next generation 3D printed photonic structures" and involves the use of a non-linear optical process known as two photon polymerization. My PhD project is a collaboration between researchers at Trinity College Dublin, Imperial College London and Tyndall National Institute. The project is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) as part of the AMBER Research Centre and is a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) studentship.

Side projects, Hobbies and Volunteering

Letterboxd Logo
I've been a huge cinephile my entire life, with a strong penchant for monster movies made in the 40's and 50's. If you'd like to see some of my favourite movies and what I have watched recently check out my Letterboxd!
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Most of my understanding of the world (physics particularly) has been shaped by the hundreds of books I have read over the course of my life. If you're looking for book ratings or recommendations check out my Goodreads!
AMBER Research Centre Logo
AMBER: Education Programme
One of the best parts of my PhD programme is that I get to take part in outreach efforts to educate young minds about science, if you're interested in learning more check out the AMBER Education Programmes!
Volunteering Logo favicon
In my free time I enjoy training my writing and researching skills by writing articles about topics related to science that interest me. I currently publish about once a month so if you'd like to read some science articles check out my Blog!
Side Projects


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